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COVID-19 Update

The real estate world, and indeed the whole world, is changing. We needed change, but maybe not as rapidly or as urgently as we have been thrust into responding. Real estate had gotten too cut-throat, too transactional, and the real estate community had become too uncooperative. That all has to change now. If one thing is truer than ever, we are all in this together.
Over the past 30 days, here are just a few of the things we are implementing or enhancing in a post-COVID real estate environment:

  1. We have taken courses in conducting virtual showings, which surprisingly is very different from the virtual tours that agents had available for buyers to view whenever they wanted.
  2. We are creating new safety systems for buyers, sellers, and agents to stay ahead of where we are right now and be fully ready when we reopen for face to face contact.
  3. I am re-reading one of the best business building/team building books, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Leoniciti, to re-align my business objectives and how I can help and nurture my most committed colleagues.
  4. I am spending a lot of time learning, discussing, and exploring how agents conduct business in other states that can practice real estate since COVID hit our lives and our businesses. This way, I can put best practices into place as soon as we formally reopen.
  5. We are on the phones with every single one of our in contract sellers and buyers, as well as lenders and lawyers, to make 100% percent sure that not one sale falls through at this very sensitive time. We are extra sensitive to these clients’ and customers’ needs, recognizing that people need to be communicated when and how works best for them, and while we are in uncertain times, we can do our best to alleviate some stress in this area.
  6. I am taking A LOT of yoga classes to release stress to make room for more change and more learning.
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